Weight gain? Are your hormones to blame?

Many women develop hormonal imbalances over their lifetime.  Numerous factors in our modern lives can contribute to the development of these imbalances including stress, xenoestrogens in plastics and skin care, the OCP, HRT or Mirena, sugar, processed foods and insufficient fiber.

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Our hormones are critical to the regulation of many body functions and can have a huge influence on our weight, mood, energy and fertilityHormonal imbalances can be behind our inability to lose weight or an increase in weight without any other obvious changes in our diet and lifestyle.


The main hormone imbalances that affect our weight include

  • Low progesterone

  • High estrogen/s

  • Low thyroid hormones

  • High cortisol

  • High insulin

Fortunately, there are many Naturopathic therapies which can help restore a happy hormone balance and regulate your weight – without counting calories or killing yourself at the gym!  These activities can actually make your weight issues and energy levels worse if your body is already under stress.

Cortisol and ongoing stress can also seriously impact your thyroid function which plays a huge role in your metabolism and ability to regulate weight.  Many other hormones, including progesterone, estrogen and insulin are also very sensitive to cortisol. 

Cortisol usually takes preference over the production of other hormones as it’s required in critical situations when we feel threatened.  The problem now is that many of us are in this constant state of stress all the time which our bodies are not designed for, and which can impact so many other areas of health – particularly our hormones and weight

This is why stress management is an integral part of my treatment for weight loss and hormone imbalances, but also for any health condition, as our bodies cannot be healthy with excess cortisol being produced 24/7!

Any one of the above hormone imbalances may be contributing to your weight gain or inability to lose weight.  Some women can have more than one hormonal imbalance, however with the right supplements, foods and lifestyle habits our bodies have an amazing capacity to move back into a happy balance!

If you feel your hormones may be to blame for your weight issues, speak to a qualified Naturopath today to find out more about testing and treatment.




Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.