Stress Management

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

Some of the most common hormone imbalance symptoms in women include:

  • Fatigue

  • Unexplained weight gain

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Brain Fog

  • Constipation

  • Fluid Retention

  • Heavy, painful or irregular periods

  • Infertility

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have an underlying hormone imbalance - and one of the major reasons that our hormones can become imbalanced is due to ongoing stress.

Stress and cortisol production are designed to protect you - to help you run away or fight - but their design was only intended for short bursts, not the ongoing chronic nature of stress many of us experience today.


Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands, which are also one of the ways your body produces progesterone. One of the most important hormones for women is progesterone - it balances the effect of estrogens and also has anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and diuretic properties, along with helping us hold a pregnancy to full term.

If your adrenals are busy producing cortisol they will be unable to produce sufficient levels of progesterone.

You also produce progesterone during ovulation - so if you are not ovulating every month you are missing out on your monthly boost of this vital hormone. Most hormonal birth control medications prevent you ovulating.

If we are not producing enough progesterone this can lead to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • PMS

  • Heavy and/or Painful Periods

  • Irregular Periods

  • Bloating

  • Fluid Retention

  • Infertility

  • Weight Gain


Ongoing stress has an impact on many other hormones in your body such as thyroid hormones. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) include:

  • Low Mood

  • Brain Fog

  • Trouble losing weight or unexplained weight gain

  • Constipation

  • Sensitivity to Cold

  • High Cholesterol

Many women are told their thyroid is ‘fine’, however most have only been tested for one thyroid hormone (TSH). There are three thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4) that need to be tested to assess how well your thyroid is functioning.

Cortisol also impacts the hormones insulin, leptin and grehlin which regulate your appetite and satiety.

Chronic stress has a catabolic effect - meaning it breaks things down such as your lean muscle mass and collagen, while it is also linked to increased abdominal adiposity. Not a great thing for our vanity or health.


Cortisol signals to your body that you are in danger or living in famine - basically that you are not safe. This causes some areas of your body to go into overdrive such as your skeletal muscles and blood sugar levels, to help increase energy for you to run or fight the ‘threat’.

However, other areas of your body are shut down or inhibited as they are not seen as critical in a threat situation. These include your digestive, immune and reproductive functions. You can see how ongoing stress will really impact these areas and contribute to digestive, immune and reproductive issues over time.

Stressors can come in many forms such as financial worries, running late, social media, feeling short of time, health concerns, work environment, trying to please everyone and perfectionism.

How you perceive situations can also determine if you allow a situation to cause you stress or not.

Other factors that can increase cortisol include

  • Poor Sleep

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Excessive Exercise

  • Dieting or inadequate food intake.


We have a huge influence on how much stress we experience or allow into our lives.

  1. Start by becoming aware of the things that cause you stress.

  2. How can you change your perception or situation to reduce unnecessary stress?

  3. What beliefs do you have that may be contributing to your stress levels?

Other steps you can take include regularly checking in with your breathing - deep slow breathing is one of the most accessible things we have that can help calm our body almost immediately.

Also working on our time management, saying No when needed, gentle exercise, visualisations, guided meditations and making sleep a priority will also help us reduce cortisol and stress.

Whatever you can do to let your body know it is safe will help.

Herbs and nutrients such as Zizyphus, Withania, Lavender, Lemon Balm and Magnesium are also great at helping to calm our stress response. There are more specific treatments that can help depending on which type of hormone imbalance is specific to you.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to improve your Energy, Mood and Hormones - check out my Free Guide here.

To find out more about working together to improve your health - click here.

Top 3 Causes Of Fatigue In Women


Are you tired or exhausted ALL - THE - TIME even if you get plenty of sleep?

Is it a struggle to get going every morning?

Are you relying on caffeine and sugar to get your through the day?

You are not alone!

Here’s the top 3 causes of fatigue I see in clinic and some steps you can take to improve your energy.


Some stress and cortisol is healthy but ongoing daily relentless stress will eventually wear you out and your energy will flat line. Anxiety is also a common factor in fatigue, as constantly feeling anxious is a type of stress on your body.

Cortisol increases in acute stress but is not designed to constantly be high, and eventually you will reach your tipping point where your body and adrenal glands just can’t keep up with demand.

This is when you will struggle to produce much cortisol at all and you will feel exhausted ALL THE TIME. Cortisol is meant to be high in the morning and lowers over the day however when you reach this exhaustion stage your cortisol will be low all day - giving you none of the energetic effects of cortisol.

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Many women today are constantly trying to do more and push harder without taking time to rest and recharge our bodies.

Your body needs regular recharging for optimal function - just like your phone battery.

As women we can feel guilty taking time for ourselves but it’s so vital to our health and energy that we make this happen.


Even if you have been told your thyroid is fine you could still have an under-functioning thyroid. This can contribute to fatigue, low mood, weight gain, brain fog and hair loss.

Make sure your three thyroid hormones (TSH, T4, T3) have been assessed for IDEAL levels by a qualified Naturopath. Due to Medicare restrictions your GP will usually only test TSH - but this alone cannot give you a clear indicator of thyroid function. If you have a family history of thyroid issues and/or have been under ongoing stress your risk of thyroid issues will be increased.



The most common nutritional deficiencies that contribute to fatigue include iron, B12, magnesium and vitamin D.

Even if you eat well and eat animal foods you may still be low in iron or B12 especially if you have digestive issues which reduces your ability to absorb these nutrients. Gluten intolerance can also be a contributing factor to chronic low iron levels. Imbalances in gut bacteria can also contribute to reduced production of B12.

During stressful times your body has an increased demand for magnesium and so over time this can also become depleted - as well as our soils and food containing less magnesium content than in the past. Magnesium is also required for optimal Vitamin D and so many Australians are low in this important vitamin/hormone which contributes to energy and mood.


  • Optimise sleep by practicing good sleep hygiene and sticking to a regular sleep routine. Taking a good quality magnesium supplement at night can improve sleep quality and also reduce headaches, muscle tension or cramps.

  • If your fatigue is caused from ongoing anxiety, there are many natural treatments that can help such as Magnesium and Herbal Supplements.

  • Work on optimising your nutrition for sustained energy throughout the day. Taking an activated B complex can help top up B vitamin levels for energy.

  • Take time out everyday to rest and recharge your body and adrenal glands. Even if you start with 10 minutes per day while you enjoy a cup of herbal tea. Practice not feeling guilty while you do this and prioritise this time for yourself by booking it into your calendar like you would other important events.

  • Work on boundaries, thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your experience of stress and anxiety - become aware of the everyday things that make you feel stressed.

  • Focus on some deep breathing - this simple technique helps to reduce cortisol, anxiety and the stress response immediately. It can be good to practice first thing in the morning, before going to bed or whenever you notice yourself feeling stressed throughout the day.

  • Get a second opinion or have your blood test results assessed by a qualified Naturopath to insure your levels are IDEAL and OPTIMAL for great energy, not just ‘in the range’ which is quite broad.

If you find this information helpful please share with other women you know who are struggling with fatigue.


You can learn more about easing anxiety in my Calming Anxiety Ebook.

If you’d like to work with me, you can find out more HERE

Or Sign up for my Freebie - 5 Tips To Ease Anxiety.

Hormones and Weight


Do you struggle to lose or maintain your ideal weight? Your hormones may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts!

Hormones are messengers throughout your body - instructing your cells and organs - and help regulate many body processes such as metabolism and weight.

Many women have underlying hormone imbalances that cause much frustration in regards to regulating weight.

The most common hormone imbalances that may be influencing your weight include -


Many women have under-active thyroid function and lower than ideal thyroid hormone levels (T4 and T3) which regulate our weight and metabolism, along with many other influences particularly on our energy and mood. If you have been told your thyroid is ‘fine’ after a blood test, you may still have an under-active thyroid and can read more here.

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Insulin helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep them within an ideal range. When the demand for insulin is excessive - primarily from consuming too much sugar, sweet foods/drinks and refined grains - you can become insulin resistant, meaning you need more and more insulin to have the same effect.

This imbalance is mostly associated with diabetes, but is becoming more common, occuring at younger ages and contributes to the development of many chronic health issues. Insulin resistance is also a major factor in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You can read more about insulin resistance and how to improve it here.



Many women live in a constant stressed state which results in increased cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol is protective and energising in acute bursts but our bodies are not designed to handle ongoing stress and will eventually reach burn out. Along the way our ability to regulate weight will be impacted in a number of ways.

Cortisol slows metabolism by impairing thyroid function, may lead to comfort eating or poorer food choices, contributes to other hormone imbalances, impacts gut bacteria balance, and increased cortisol levels are linked to increased abdominal fat cells. Stress impacts every area of our body and managing stress is key to keeping your hormones and weight in a happy balance!



The most common imbalance for women is higher estrogens in relation to progesterone. This estrogenic environment encourages weight to be stored around the hips and thighs, and you may experience other symptoms such as PMS, fluid retention, sore breasts, painful or heavy periods, fibroids and endometriosis.

Many factors can encourage this imbalance especially ongoing stress, use of the Pill and exposure to estrogenic chemicals (skin care, make up, fragrances, cleaning products, plastics and pesticides). Especially as women we can be applying and exposing ourselves to a huge amount of these chemicals everyday!

Estrogen plays a significant role in the regulation of adipose tissue or fat cells, and these cells can also contribute to the production of more estrogen. Optimal liver and digestive function is important in helping your body to remove these excess estrogens.

Hormone imbalances have numerous impacts on weight regulation, and while supplements can help restore hormone balance there are also steps you can take in your daily life to support happy hormones and improve weight regulation.

Here’s my top 5 tips -

  • Stress Management to help reduce cortisol. Lack of sleep, caffeine and alcohol can all increase cortisol, while gentle to moderate exercise can help to reduce cortisol. Here are some other cortisol lowering tips.

  • Follow a low sugar lifestyle to regulate blood sugar and insulin - you can read more here.

  • Include a variety of vegetables and fibre to support digestive health and removal of excess hormones and chemicals.

  • Make sleep a priority as this influences other hormone levels and weight regulation.

  • Switch to non-toxic products, use glass/ceramic/stainless steel over plastics and choose spray free or organic produce whenever possible.

If you need help assessing your hormones and restoring hormone balance I’d love to help you.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Three Simple Effective Tactics To Reduce Stress!


While stress is helpful in small amounts many of us are living in a constantly stressed out state!  This nervous system overdrive can cause a huge array of health issues and contribute to hormonal imbalances, fatigue, weight issues, digestive issues, anxiety and depression.  These three tactics can be practiced in your daily life and are amazing at helping to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm.


The simple act of breathing has a huge impact on our stress response and level of calmness.  When we are stressed or anxious we are more likely to take shallow breaths or even hold our breath for periods of time.  Our breath is connected to our nervous system and by modifying your breathing you can modify your stress response.  

By taking deeper slower breaths into your lungs and belly, and slowly exhaling you can immediately reduce your feelings of stress.  Close your eyes and count to four as you breath in and four as you breath out - do this for a minute and take notice of the calming effects!  Placing one hand on your chest and one on your belly - feel your hands rise as you breath into your lungs and belly.


The gentle slow movement of your breath causes your diaphragm to contract and release slowly - and this signals to your body that it is safe and can relax.  This in turn reduces the physical and emotional symptoms of stress which are triggered by the stress hormone cortisol, such as increased heart rate, muscle tension and a blank or frantic mind.

This type of breathing has been shown to reduce cortisol levels as well as improve focus and attention.  Slow deep breathing maximises blood oxygen which travels to all your body cells and allows them to function optimally.  

Practicing this simple and free technique for just a few minutes per day can have huge improvements on your experience of stress and overwhelm.  You can also practice anytime of day when you become aware of stressful feelings.


Mindfulness can also be practiced anywhere and involves bringing your senses to the present moment - what can you hear, taste, smell, feel or see?


Many times when we are stressed or anxious our minds are worrying about things in the future and often imagine the worst!  Many of these things we worry about never happen or aren't as bad as we imagined them - so we are causing ourselves a lot of unnecessary stress by letting our minds wander uncontrollably!  

A lot of times we can also be on auto-pilot, just going through the day without being fully present or totally aware of our surroundings - this can cause us to just let our lives pass by without fully experiencing them!  As it's all these small moments that make up our lives!  We can also gain so much more from our days if we practice being more present with people and our surroundings. 

Mindfulness can be practiced while carrying out any of your daily activities such as while commuting, walking, showering, cleaning, talking with others and eating.  Set a reminder to check in on your thoughts during the day - don't beat yourself up if they are far away in the future or past, just bring your attention back to the present.  The more you become aware of your thoughts and bring them back to the present, the easier and more automatic this will become.  Notice how focusing on the present can reduce your stress and anxieties about the future and help you to feel calmer in the moment.



Relaxing music is another great tool to help reduce stress - music has been shown to reduce cortisol and promote relaxation.   Listening to music while commuting or at home can be a simple way to help soothe your nervous system, and can be especially helpful at night to help promote sleep.  

There's also some great guided meditations that use calming music - these can be used to help with stress, anxiety, fears and worries.

One of my favourite practices is yoga as it can involve all three of these techniques - along with the stress reducing and mood enhancing effects of moving your body.  I'd love to hear how you practice these techniques, or other ways you manage or reduce stress in your life?

Like any new habit these practices can take some time and commitment until they become more automatic - it can be helpful to set reminders in your phone and schedule them into your calender until then!


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

How To Protect Yourself From Disease And Cancer


Did you know around 95% of cancer and chronic disease is preventable?

Only a very small percentage can be blamed solely on genetics!  Even if you have a genetic susceptibility to certain disease or cancer, it's your daily habits that 'turns these genes on' or keep them at bay - this is known as epigenetics.  Cancer and most other disease develops over years - you don't just 'get' cancer overnight.  Just like a plant needs the right environment to thrive, so do we! 

Your body is amazing at putting up with small daily assaults but eventually symptoms and disease will appear.   These assaults affect your body at a cellular level first and then progress to tissue and organ damage.  It's this accumulative effect of small daily factors that can be empowering to understand and can be used to promote health and reduce your disease risk.  

Here's a summary of the top 5 areas that can significantly reduce your risk of disease and cancer - there's a printable summary at the end.



We are now exposed to thousands of chemicals everyday and while it's hard to avoid them completely there's lots you can do to reduce your exposure.  Many chemicals are classified as 'safe' in small doses, but the accumulative effect and the exposure to many chemicals together have not been proved as safe.  We are exposed to chemicals through the air we breathe, the products we put on our skin and the food or drink we ingest.  


Women in particular are exposed to more of these toxic chemicals through personal/skin/body care products, fragrances, makeup, cleaning products and plastics.  Many of these chemicals have been shown to increase cancer risk and disrupt hormone balance - another factor in cancer risk such as breast and ovarian cancers.  

Another type of chemical exposure is EMF's (electromagnetic fields) from Wi-Fi devices and cell towers.  These have been shown to disrupt normal cell functioning, hormone levels and increase the risk of certain cancers such as brain tumours.  Keeping phones in your pocket or down your sports bra is putting that EMF in close proximity to your vital organs.  




While cortisol and stress in small amounts are beneficial, prolonged and ongoing stress is super damaging to your body and is a huge factor in disease risk.  Stress has negative impacts on hormone balance, increases blood sugar, oxidative stress and inflammation - all underlying factors that can increase disease and cancer risk.  Your digestive and immune systems are integral to your overall health and disease risk, and these are significantly impaired by any type of physical or emotional stress.  One of your immune systems most important roles is to destroy damaged or potential cancer cells, before they become a problem.

Having a sedentary lifestyle is now being recognised as the new 'smoking' due to its huge health implications.  Our bodies are designed to move and require this for optimal health - it enhances blood circulation to carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells, helps your body eliminate wastes, slows ageing, boosts cognition and energy.  It has been shown to reduce disease risk and is a major determinant in physical and mental health.  Gentle exercise is recommended if you are stressed as intense exercise can be another type of stress on an already stressed body!  Take notice of how different activities make you feel - exercise and movement should energise you, not exhaust you!



Keeping our hormones in a happy balance is essential for health.  Excess estrogen in relation to progesterone levels is a risk factor for certain cancers such as breast and ovarian.  Like cancer, hormonal imbalances develop over time and many of the suggestions here can also be used to support hormone balance.  Using the OCP (oral contraceptive pill) or Mirena may also contribute to hormonal imbalances as they inhibit ovulation and therefore you ability to produce progesterone.

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An increase in weight and increased insulin levels are also associated with an increased risk of disease.  An increased number of fat cells can also contribute to increased estrogen levels.  These areas can also be improved by following the suggestions in this article - particularly reducing stress, sugars ad refined flour products. 

Ensuring adequate quality sleep is vital for your body to rest, recover and recharge.  Poor sleep  and insomnia have been associated with an increased risk of disease.  It's so important for your nervous system and hormones to have this rest each night, so work on improving your sleep and getting to bed before 10pm!  




Vitamin D is a hormone that plays a huge role in our immune system and low levels have been associated with an increased risk of disease and cancer, especially skin cancer, melanoma and colon cancer.  Unfortunately many of us have low levels of vitamin D due to our avoidance of the sun, which is needed for our body to make vitamin D.  This is one blood test I do with every client as it's so important for disease risk but also calcium absorption, mental and hormonal health.  While the test range suggest having a level of 50nmol/L is enough, ideally you want to aim for at least 100-120nmol/L for optimal health.

Cholesterol has been given lots of bad press but it's actually an antioxidant and has protective effects!  Studies show that those with the lowest levels have the greater risk of disease.  If you're concerned about your cholesterol levels it can be more accurate to look at the total:HDL ratio (ideal <3.5) and triglycerides (ideal <1mmol/L) to assess your cardiovascular disease risk.




Your daily food choices have a huge influence on your current and future health.  Your diet provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally, or to encourage disease to develop.  Again this effect is cumulative - it really is about the small things you do most of the time that will determine your level of health or disease.  The more whole unprocessed spray-free foods you can consume the better - including a variety of vegetables, quality protein and unprocessed fats.


Adding herbs and spices liberally is also a great way to boost the health promoting effects of your food, as these contain many disease fighting phytochemicals.  Turmeric is one of the most researched and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and anti-proliferative effects.

Your digestive system is the basis of optimal health as are the bacteria that live there, and all over your body.  We are actually more bacteria than human cells, and we're learning more everyday about just how big an influence this balance of bacteria has on our health and disease risk.  Many things can disrupt these bacteria over time such as antibiotics, anti-bacterial products, stress, pesticides, chlorine in tap water, alcohol and sugar.  Alcohol has also been linked to an increased risk of cancers such as colon, breast and liver.

I've tried to keep this article simple and not too long, but there's much more information out there if you're interested in finding out more!  You can download my health promoting checklist  here.

If you'd like to find out where your health is at I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.



Trouble Losing Weight?

Are you trying all you know to lose weight without results?

This can be a frustratingly common experience for women and may be caused by a number of imbalances in the body.  Here are the top 5 imbalances I see in clinic which prevent weight loss -



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Yes you could have an under-active thyroid even if your blood tests are 'fine'.  We can test your 3 thyroid hormones and make sure your levels are optimal - not just within range.  Due to Medicare restrictions, GP's normally only test 1 thyroid hormone (TSH), but this alone can't give you a clear picture of thyroid function.  Checking your T4 and T3 will show if you are producing and converting enough thyroid hormones to support healthy metabolism.  Other symptoms of an under-active thyroid include fatigue, brain fog, low mood, constipation, hair loss and dry skin.



When you are in an ongoing state of stress, as many women are, you produce more cortisol.  Some cortisol is a good thing, but constant cortisol day after day impairs your metabolism, as your body wants to conserve body stores to deal with the perceived threat.  Cortisol can contribute to more weight around the middle.  Helping to calm your nervous system and reduce cortisol is one of the most important things you can do for your weight and overall health, as excess cortisol has damaging effects all over your body, and can particularly impact other hormone levels.  Ensuring quality sleep is super important for giving your nervous system a chance to rest and recover each day, along with working on other daily stress management - gentle to moderate exercise, spending time in nature, meditation, music or anything that helps you feel calm.


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This imbalance can develop over time from multiple factors including the pill, stress, chemicals and a low fat diet.  Increased weight on the upper arms, chest, hips and thighs is more common with this imbalance.  Many other symptoms can indicate this type of imbalance such as painful or heavy periods, irregular periods, infertility, fibroids, fluid retention, anxiety and moodiness.  A saliva hormone test is a great way to assess your levels and work on restoring balance.



A low calorie or low fat diet will encourage your body to hold onto weight as it perceives a shortage of food and nourishment.  Consuming enough protein and healthy fats will keep your blood sugar and energy more stable, keep you full for longer, support hormone production and support weight regulation.  

Too many refined grains and sugars in the diet will contribute to increased insulin - another hormone which can impact weight regulation.  

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Focus on 2-3 serves of protein, quality fats and a variety of vegetables as the main components of your diet.  Moderate amounts of whole grains can be beneficial - take notice of how these make you feel to work out the amount that's right for you.  However we don't need 9-11 serves as some dietary guidelines suggest!  

I encourage you to not count calories - just focus on eating whole foods and count nutrients if anything!




Our gut bacteria play a huge role in our health including weight regulation.  We are actually around 10 times more bacteria than human cells and the essential role they play in our health continues to be discovered.  Our bacteria balance is impacted every day from antibiotics, reflux medication, pain medication, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, stress and chemicals including chlorine in tap water.  Probiotics and fermented vegetables can be a great way to support your gut bacteria - however if these cause issues you may have a bacterial overgrowth that needs to be treated first.

Similar influences that impact our bacteria balance can also impact our liver function and levels of inflammation in our body which can also inhibit weight loss.  Underlying inflammation is now being linked to many symptoms and disease states including depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes and auto-immune conditions.


For easy weight regulation our body needs to be in a happy balance - particularly our nervous system, digestion and hormones.  If weight loss is a struggle for you, I'd love to help you work out any underlying reasons and help you reach your ideal weight.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Stress and Natural Remedies

Natural remedies to reduce stress