Painful Periods

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

Some of the most common hormone imbalance symptoms in women include:

  • Fatigue

  • Unexplained weight gain

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Brain Fog

  • Constipation

  • Fluid Retention

  • Heavy, painful or irregular periods

  • Infertility

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have an underlying hormone imbalance - and one of the major reasons that our hormones can become imbalanced is due to ongoing stress.

Stress and cortisol production are designed to protect you - to help you run away or fight - but their design was only intended for short bursts, not the ongoing chronic nature of stress many of us experience today.


Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands, which are also one of the ways your body produces progesterone. One of the most important hormones for women is progesterone - it balances the effect of estrogens and also has anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and diuretic properties, along with helping us hold a pregnancy to full term.

If your adrenals are busy producing cortisol they will be unable to produce sufficient levels of progesterone.

You also produce progesterone during ovulation - so if you are not ovulating every month you are missing out on your monthly boost of this vital hormone. Most hormonal birth control medications prevent you ovulating.

If we are not producing enough progesterone this can lead to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • PMS

  • Heavy and/or Painful Periods

  • Irregular Periods

  • Bloating

  • Fluid Retention

  • Infertility

  • Weight Gain


Ongoing stress has an impact on many other hormones in your body such as thyroid hormones. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) include:

  • Low Mood

  • Brain Fog

  • Trouble losing weight or unexplained weight gain

  • Constipation

  • Sensitivity to Cold

  • High Cholesterol

Many women are told their thyroid is ‘fine’, however most have only been tested for one thyroid hormone (TSH). There are three thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4) that need to be tested to assess how well your thyroid is functioning.

Cortisol also impacts the hormones insulin, leptin and grehlin which regulate your appetite and satiety.

Chronic stress has a catabolic effect - meaning it breaks things down such as your lean muscle mass and collagen, while it is also linked to increased abdominal adiposity. Not a great thing for our vanity or health.


Cortisol signals to your body that you are in danger or living in famine - basically that you are not safe. This causes some areas of your body to go into overdrive such as your skeletal muscles and blood sugar levels, to help increase energy for you to run or fight the ‘threat’.

However, other areas of your body are shut down or inhibited as they are not seen as critical in a threat situation. These include your digestive, immune and reproductive functions. You can see how ongoing stress will really impact these areas and contribute to digestive, immune and reproductive issues over time.

Stressors can come in many forms such as financial worries, running late, social media, feeling short of time, health concerns, work environment, trying to please everyone and perfectionism.

How you perceive situations can also determine if you allow a situation to cause you stress or not.

Other factors that can increase cortisol include

  • Poor Sleep

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Excessive Exercise

  • Dieting or inadequate food intake.


We have a huge influence on how much stress we experience or allow into our lives.

  1. Start by becoming aware of the things that cause you stress.

  2. How can you change your perception or situation to reduce unnecessary stress?

  3. What beliefs do you have that may be contributing to your stress levels?

Other steps you can take include regularly checking in with your breathing - deep slow breathing is one of the most accessible things we have that can help calm our body almost immediately.

Also working on our time management, saying No when needed, gentle exercise, visualisations, guided meditations and making sleep a priority will also help us reduce cortisol and stress.

Whatever you can do to let your body know it is safe will help.

Herbs and nutrients such as Zizyphus, Withania, Lavender, Lemon Balm and Magnesium are also great at helping to calm our stress response. There are more specific treatments that can help depending on which type of hormone imbalance is specific to you.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to improve your Energy, Mood and Hormones - check out my Free Guide here.

To find out more about working together to improve your health - click here.

Endometriosis Diet and Foods To Avoid

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Food has a huge impact on your hormones and can contribute to hormone imbalances and symptom severity. What you choose to put in your mouth everyday either supports health or can trigger immune and inflammatory reactions in your body. Some of the underlying processes involved in Endometriosis include hormonal imbalance, immune dysfunction (auto-immunity) and inflammation - and the food you eat regularly can impact these.

So much of the food that’s available now is highly processed and devoid of the nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Ingredients such as sugar, refined flours and vegetable oils are cheap for food manufacturers to use - unfortunately their main motivator is profit, not your health! These processed foods are also made to be addictive - another great way to ensure healthy profits!

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Focusing your food choices around quality protein, fats, vegetables, herbs and spices is a great way to support happy hormones, support your immune function and reduce inflammation. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just simple real food! You can find a one page guide here.

Some of the main foods that can aggravate Endometriosis and painful periods include -


Gluten sensitivity has been associated with aggravating auto-immune conditions and inflammation as well as contributing to mood or neurological disorders. There’s also a higher gluten content in modern wheat which can make it harder for us to digest, as well as the use of herbicides such as glyphosate - which impact our digestive, hormonal and immune systems.

You can be sensitive to gluten even if you are not Coeliac and don’t have digestive symptoms! As auto-immunity is likely involved in Endometriosis, it’s also more likely for you to have a higher risk of developing other auto-immune conditions such as Coeliac or Hashimotos (hypothyroidism). It may be worth trialling 1-2 months off gluten and see how you feel, or notice how you feel if you reintroduce it. Look for good quality gluten free alternatives - always read the ingredients as these can still be highly processed or full of nasty ingredients. You can find a list of gluten free foods here.



Removing dairy can significantly reduce painful periods. Modern processed dairy may contain higher levels of estrogens, which may contribute to the already high levels in women with Endometriosis and painful periods. Milk consumption also effects insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) which promotes excessive cell proliferation as seen in Endometriosis.

Like many foods there are better quality options and it may also be the quantity you are consuming that’s the issue, especially if you drink a lot of milk. Full fat dairy from grass fed cows is preferred - as the fats reduce the effect on insulin. Other dairy fats such as grass fed butter contain other beneficial nutrients such as fat soluble vitamins and butyric acid.

Traditional dairy is very different from highly processed modern dairy - and how the animals are raised has a big impact on the resulting nutrition. Also milk from cows that produce the A2 protein such as guernsey and jersey cows may be easier to digest than cows milk with A1 protein. However in regards to painful periods it may be worth eliminating dairy entirely for a month or two to assess how you feel. There are many other alternatives such as coconut milk products - but again check the ingredients for added sugars or additives.


This can make up a large part of vegetarian and vegan diets in the form of tofu, soy milk/yoghurt and meat alternatives, and is also found in many packaged foods. Soy has estrogenic properties meaning it can mimic estrogen in the body and contribute to increased estrogen levels, which are commonly already high in women with Endometriosis.

Again quantity and quality make a difference. Traditionally soy was only consumed as a fermented food in small amounts - such as traditionally made tofu, tempeh and tamari. Many soy products are also GMO so always look for organic soy if you are purchasing.


Sugar is a major contributor to weight gain and also has a negative impact on hormones, immune function and inflammation. Vanity may be a motivator to avoid sugar as it is also ageing and contributes to skin breakouts! Sugar is also cheap and addictive and is found in most packaged foods.

Alcohol is another form of sugar and can contribute to increased cortisol levels - which impact weight and other hormone balance. You can read more here about how to check for sugar content and reduce your sugar consumption here.


While vegetable oils are marketed as healthy, most of them are highly processed, devoid of nutrients and rancid due to the processing. While these plant products may have been nutritious and healthy in their original state, the processing they undergoe to become oils or spreads destroys any of the goodness and actually makes them damaging to our bodies! Vegetable oils have been linked to increased oxidation, inflammation and cellular damage.


However the right fats are essential for your health and hormones. Choose good quality cold pressed olive/macadamia/avocado/coconut oils, and you can also add hemp/chia/flaxseed oils to room temperature or cold foods - never heat these ones. Oils are fragile and are destroyed or made rancid (which you can smell!) by heat, light and oxygen. You can watch a video here that explains what to look for when purchasing oils and fats.

While this list may seem like it cuts a lot of food out, it does eliminate a lot of packaged processed foods - but there’s still lots of delicious real foods you can eat! Healthy eating can take a little planning ahead, but there are so many great real food blogs and recipe books to help you out. Some of my favourites are JS Health, Lee Holmes, Sarah Wilson and Pete Evans. It’s all about listening to your body and working out what foods help you feel your best - and then aiming to eat them as much as possible.

Herbs and spices are also a great way to add extra flavour and have many therapeutic effects such as reducing inflammation and supporting immune function. Ginger and turmeric are my top two for endometriosis or painful periods - you can use them in cooking and also drink as teas.

If you’d like more support in making food choices or working on hormone balance I’d love to help you.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women balance their hormones and get their life back!  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

How Turmeric Can Help Endometriosis and Painful Periods


Are you one of many women who suffer with painful periods or have been diagnosed with Endometriosis? While there are a number of effective natural treatments that can help relieve pain, Turmeric is one of my favourites - as it may help relieve pain and inflammation, but also support other underlying issues that are typically involved.

There are a number or underlying factors that may be contributing to your painful periods or Endometriosis. These include -

  • hormonal imbalances - most commonly involving high estrogens in relation to progesterone

  • increased inflammation and oxidation

  • digestive and/or bacteria imbalances

  • altered immune response and possible auto-immune activity

  • poor liver function which impairs removal of toxins and excess hormones

  • dietary and lifestyle influences


Turmeric is one of the most researched plants and has been shown to have many actions related to these underlying factors - which may be why it can be so effective at relieving the pain of Endometriosis. Studies show that curcumin (the active constituent of Turmeric) has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune modulating, antidepressant, anti-tumour, anti-growth or proliferative, gut healing and hormone regulating properties. What an amazing spice!

These actions may help to reduce excess growth of endometrial cells, support the liver in removing excess estrogens, reduce inflammation and support the immune system.

Turmeric is best absorbed with added lipids/fats - so look for a quality supplement in a lipid form. Black pepper has also been shown to improve absorption. If you are including turmeric in cooking, make sure to add some fats and pepper to your meal - such as cooking with ghee or coconut oil. You will likely need a supplement to reach an effective dose for treatment, but there are many health boosting reasons to include in your diet also!


Supplements can be increased around the painful days of your cycle. I commonly use a turmeric supplement which combines other great anti-inflammatory nutrients such as quercitin and herbs including Boswellia and Ginger. It’s likely you may need other support/supplements to relieve painful periods and Endometriosis, but turmeric can be a great place to start.

Other things you can include are more ginger in cooking or drink as a tea, increase herbs and spices in cooking (many of these have anti-inflammatory and health promoting properties, and add heaps of flavour to food!), limit or avoid dairy products (A2 dairy, and sheep/goat dairy can be easier to digest and less inflammatory) and include a variety of cruciferous vegetables and fibre.

These actions can also help to reduce inflammation, improve estrogen clearance from your body and reduce pain.

Please share this with other women who could benefit from this knowledge!



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

What The Pill Does To Your Hormones and Health

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As women we are prescribed the OCP (or Implanon or similar) for just about any hormonal complaint or as the preferred method of contraception.  However many women I speak to are unaware of what it's really doing to their hormones or bodies, along with the side effects particularly from long term use.

While the Pill can be great for masking painful symptoms and providing a mostly reliable and easy form of contraception, their are other options which don't come with any side effects to your hormones and health. 


The synthetic hormones in these medications are not the same as your natural progesterone and estrogens, and they can therefore put your natural levels of these hormones out of balance.  This hormonal imbalance commonly underlies many hormonal symptoms - from increased PMS and moodiness, to painful and heavy periods, fluid retention and infertility.  While the Pill can help mask unpleasant symptoms, it is unfortunately not helping to resolve the underlying hormonal imbalance, so it's more than likely your symptoms will reappear or have worsened when you stop taking the Pill.

One of my clients ended up with a liver tumour due to long term use of the Pill.  An increased risk of stroke and heart disease - which are actually more fatal in women compared to men - is also associated with the Pill.  These synthetic hormones also disrupt our gut bacteria and deplete essential nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and zinc which are all super important for our mood, energy, hormone balance and fertility.


Having a monthly period (again, not the same as the 'period' you have on the Pill) is vital for womens hormones and health, whether you're hoping to get pregnant or not.  Each month when you ovulate your body produces progesterone.  This hormone is super important for limiting PMS, boosting our mood and for carrying a pregnancy to full term.  

The Pill has a few effects in your body but the most notable is that it prevents you ovulating - and therefore producing progesterone each month, which can therefore contribute to insufficient progesterone and hormonal imbalance.  You can see how skipping your period with these medications would also have a negative impact on your hormone balance and health.  

Hormonal medications such as the Pill and HRT can lead to increased estrogen levels, higher levels of which are associated with fibroids, endometriosis and breast cancer.  

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Conception can only occur a few days out of each month, however women are taking a medication with side effects everyday - which if you're ok with that is fine, but I see many women who haven't thought of it that way or weren't aware of potential side effects.  You have to choose whatever option works best for you, but I believe it's important for women to have all the information so they can make informed choices regarding contraception, their hormones and health.

Other factors can also contribute to hormonal imbalances developing over time including ongoing stress, chemicals in plastics, skin care and cleaning products, insufficient quality fats and protein in your diet and other nutritional deficiencies.  


Tracking your cycle on an App is a great way to become more aware of your monthly symptoms, know when you ovulate and which are your fertile days  - it can be a great tool for contraception or conception!  There are many Apps available including Period Tracker Lite, Kindara and Clue.

There are herbal medicines and nutrients that can help improve hormonal symptoms and return your hormones to a happy balance.  You can also start supporting your body and hormones before you stop taking the Pill, to help reduce symptoms once you decide to stop.  

If you'd like to work on rebalancing your hormones and health I'd love to help you.  



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

Endometriosis Treatment

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If you've been diagnosed with Endometriosis or experience painful periods you can find relief with the right treatment!  An imbalance in hormones, immunity and inflammation are all possible contributors to the painful symptoms, and fortunately there are natural treatments that can improve these underlying imbalances and your symptoms.  

If you have been prescribed the Pill or Mirena for period pain, unfortunately these will not be resolving the underlying issues.  While they have a place in the short term and can help reduce pain, using other tools to resolve the underlying imbalances will offer you true long term relief from pain.

Here are my top three pointers for addressing Endometriosis - 



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Research indicates that Endometriosis may be an auto-immune condition, and if so this changes the treatment approach to rebalancing a haywire immune system rather than just looking at hormone levels.  A huge part of our immune system resides in our digestive tract, in particular our gut bacteria and the integrity or strength of our gut lining.  In auto-immune conditions the gut lining has become impaired or 'leaky', allowing substances to pass from our digestive tract to our bloodstream that normally wouldn't get through, and this sets off an immune response.

Auto-immune conditions can impact different body parts - such as Rheumatoid Arthitis (joints), Hashimotos (thyroid) or Multiple Sclerosis (nervous system), however they all have the same underlying issue - an immune system that has gone haywire.  These auto-immune conditions and leaky gut can develop over time from multiple factors including stress, antibiotics, antibacterial products, processed foods, sugars, alcohol and pesticides on food.

There are specific herbs and nutrients which can help improve gut integrity in addition to reducing or eliminating the above influences.  Glutamine, zinc carnosine, licorice, aloe vera, turmeric, slippery elm along with vitamin A and D are all important for gut integrity.  Including broths, slow cooked meals and fermented vegetables can also support gut health.  It's best to start slow if introducing fermented foods and if they upset your digestive system you may need to work on improving your gut health with a practitioner first.




This amazing spice has many researched health properties which explain why it can significantly help with Endometriosis symptoms.  Turmeric can help reduce the inflammation, oxidation and cell proliferation involved in Endometriosis, along with supporting or moderating the immune system.  

If there are elevated levels of estrogens, turmeric may also help reduce these and support liver detox which is how your body removes excess hormones.  Look for a good quality supplement with either black pepper or with turmeric as a phospholipid/fat form for optimal absorption - Curcumin is the active component of Turmeric.  Some supplements also contain Boswellia or Ginger which are also great anti-inflammatory herbs and can also help reduce period pain.



Many women may develop hormonal imbalances over time especially in our modern stressful and chemical laden environments!  An imbalance between progesterone and estrogens can contribute to painful periods and Endometriosis.  Ongoing stress has a huge impact on other hormone levels, while chemicals in body care and plastics are known to disrupt hormone balance.  Use of the Pill can also contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Hormone levels can be assessed through saliva testing by a Naturopath and it is possible to return your hormones to a happy balance through supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes.  

One of the most effective supplements at improving estrogen levels is DIM or I-3-C for short - this compound is derived from broccoli and helps to metabolise and reduce excess estrogen.  Working on stress management and using herbs such as Rehmannia and Withania can help support your adrenals and reduce the impact of stress on your body and other hormones. Vitex or Chaste Tree can be helpful when progesterone is low.


You can also support your liver and digestive system to metabolise and remove excess hormones by including adequate quality protein, fats and a variety of vegetables and herbs - especially cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts), garlic, onion, ginger, rosemary and turmeric.


If you suffer from painful periods or Endometriosis I'd love to help you address the underlying causes and find relief from pain.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.