Mental Health

Are Your Hormones Causing Anxiety?


Anxiety can be such a tough experience and while there are commonly multiple factors that may be involved, your hormones can have a huge influence on anxiety levels!

Low progesterone (in relation to estrogen levels) is a really common hormone imbalance and the main one I see that contributes to anxiety - especially if you have developed anxiety later in life or it seems to be getting worse for reasons that you can’t understand. This imbalance can develop at any time but during perimenopause - usually experienced in women during their 30’s and 40’s - it is especially common.

Hormone imbalances can develop over time especially from ongoing stress, use of contraceptive medication such as the Pill, post pregnancy, and continued exposure and accumulation of hormone disrupting chemicals such as BPA.


Progesterone is one of your most vital hormones - not just for holding pregnancy to term - but for our mood and level of calm!

Progesterone acts as an

  • anti-anxiety

  • anti-depressant

  • diuretic to reduce fluid retention

  • supports fat metabolism

  • balances estrogen levels to protect against hormonal disease and cancer

  • improves libido

  • supports thyroid function and

  • supports sleep

Is it any wonder we feel terrible when our progesterone levels are low?!

Use of the Pill is most worrying for womens health as it works by preventing you from ovulating. The ONLY way we can make Progesterone is each month when we OVULATE!


The Pill prevents us from making our monthly dose of feel good progesterone - you can see how this will have detrimental effects on how good you feel over time! The synthetic hormones in the Pill are NOT the same as your natural hormones, and the Pill also depletes B vitamins which are essential for energy, metabolism, skin and hormone balance.

While the pill can help with symptoms and is convenient it’s also ideal to look at other contraceptive options or how you can regulate your hormones naturally - the pill ‘regulates’ your hormones by shutting them down! So while this may help in the short term it’s not ideal for your long term health and truly restoring hormone balance.

If you have irregular periods or anovulatory cycles and are not ovulating each month you will also be missing out on progesterone - so working with a practitioner to regulate your cycles is a great idea.

After menopause you can still experience hormonal imbalance and it is even more important to work on stress management and adrenal health, as your adrenals take over the job of producing your sex hormones once your ovaries have retired. High stress can worsen menopausal symptoms by placing extra pressure on your adrenal glands - and they can only do so much! If they are busy producing cortisol during ongoing stress, they will have less reserves to be producing your other sex hormones.

If you are not taking contraceptive medication you can test your hormones - ideally on day 21 or about a week after ovulation - this is when your progesterone is at its highest. Working with a qualified Naturopath can help you test and restore hormone balance and improve the underlying reasons that may be contributing to your anxiety.

You might also find this article or ebook helpful.


Join me on Facebook for more tips on food, health and hormones!

Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women balance their hormones, reduce symptoms and get their life back!  Consultations are available online.  You can find out more here.

Constipation Causes And Treatment


Do you struggle with constipation?

Our digestive health impacts all areas of our body so ensuring your bowels are moving regularly is essential!  Ideally you should be having a bowel movement every one to two days, it should be easy to pass and formed - not pellet like or too loose.  Check out the Bristol Stool Chart  -  type 4 is ideal, and 3 is the next best type.

Optimal digestive health is essential for nutrient absorption, mental health, immunity and removal of wastes and toxins.

If you've been struggling with constipation a good place to start is ensuring you're drinking enough water (at least 1-2L depending on your diet and exercise level) and consuming adequate vegetables.  Include a variety of vegetables with each meal, along with some quality protein and fat. Including some fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut can also be a great way to support digestive health - start with 1 tbsp with one meal per day.  (If fermented vegetables cause you any digestive upset you may need to start smaller or you may have a more serious imbalance or overgrowth of gut bacteria which needs correcting first).

Dysbiosis - an imbalance in gut bacteria, can contribute to constipation, so a good quality multi-strain probiotic can be useful.  Our gut bacteria become imbalanced over time from antibiotics, antacids, steroid medication, chemicals, stress, alcohol, sugar and processed foods.


Magnesium citrate can also be used to help relax your nervous and digestive system to help get things moving.  If you are stressed your digestive system is literally shut down, as it is not seen as critical during a fight or flight response.  Ongoing stress, which is experienced by many people, has a huge impact on your digestive function. 

Sometimes just giving yourself enough time to sit on the toilet can help!  With our busy lives, some people just don't give their body enough time to relax on the toilet!  


Liquid herbs are amazing at improving digestive function especially chronic constipation.  Cascara, Yellow Dock, Globe Artichoke and Schisandra can be used safely and have a laxative effect.  They also work by stimulating liver function and improving bile production which are essential for optimal digestion and bowel movements.  A more frequent dose of herbs can be used initially until your digestion is moving more regularly.  A calming herb, such as Chamomile is ideal to use alongside the stronger action of Cascara, to help calm and soothe your digestive system.

Constipation, especially if chronic can also be caused by hypo or under-active thyroid function - which can be assessed by a Naturopath.  Testing TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) alone does not give you an accurate picture of thyroid function - you also need to check T3 and T4 levels.

Other conditions such as SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) can also contribute to constipation - a Naturopath can help you work out which underlying issues and testing are relevant to you.

If you'd like to improve your digestive health I'd love to help you.  


  Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

How To Be A Healthy Vegan

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Whatever your reasons for choosing a vegan diet there are some points to keep in mind to ensure you don't become deficient in certain nutrients or develop preventable health conditions.  

Some simple blood tests can help you monitor levels of vital nutrients such as B12, Iron, Ferritin (iron stores) and Vitamin D.  These nutrients are more likely to be deficient on vegan diets and they have a huge role in optimal health, especially in regards to nervous system function, mental health, thyroid function, immunity and energy levels.  You can get these levels checked with a Naturopath and use quality supplements to support ideal levels.  While supplements are a good option they can't replace eating whole foods which contain a wide array of nutrients working in synergy.  

Many vegan packaged products can be highly processed and nutritionally deplete, so cooking from scratch as much as possible is ideal.  Focus on a variety of vegetables and include healthy fats at each meal - avocado, olives and olive oil, coconut oil/milk/cream, chia and hemp seeds/oil.  A good quality fermented pea/rice protein powder may also be beneficial.  


Soaking or fermenting legumes/nuts/seeds/grains is also important to reduce phytic acid which otherwise can bind and reduce absorption of essential nutrients such as zinc and iron - these are vital for optimal skin and hair, immunity, hormones and mental health.  

Vegan diets can end up being high in grains, omega 6 and soy products and low in bioavailable protein and essential fatty acids.  This dietary pattern can contribute to inflammation, digestive issues, mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, mental health issues and weight gain.  When choosing soy products look for organic fermented products such as tempeh, miso and tamari and be mindful of not consuming too much soy, due to the effects it can have on hormonal balance.

While many people initially feel amazing on a vegan diet, this may not be true for everyone long term.  Removing processed foods from our diets and eating more vegetables will make anyone feel better compared to a standard western diet, but a totally plant based diet may not support optimal health and energy in the long term.  Deficiencies can take a while to become apparent and symptoms can be subtle at first - maybe a little less energy, a little extra weight, a little more anxiety, a slightly longer menstrual cycle.


I love the ideals of veganism however if it becomes detrimental to your own health and quality of life, we have to ask ourselves if it is worth it?  Please be open to the idea that you may need to alter your diet if your health depends on it.  I know personally how much of a challenge this can be, to change your beliefs and mindset on something you've fully invested in for years.  I experienced worsening health after 6 years as a vegan and it took me many months from thinking of including some eggs until I actually did!  A hard thought to overcome was feeling that I'd failed somehow if I stopped following a vegan diet.

One huge change I noticed after including some animal foods again is that I actually felt properly satisfied after meals.  I used to be a little bit hungry all the time, or hungry after an hour of eating while I was vegan.  Constantly snacking is not great for our blood sugar - a well balanced meal with adequate protein and fats should keep you satisfied for at least 3-4 hours.


Adequate protein and fats are especially important for womens hormones which regulate ovulation (a key indicator of health, and super important whether you want to have children or not), mood and weight.  During their reproductive years, women on a plant based diet will likely find it hard to sustain optimal iron levels long term without supplementing.

From my own experience and the many books and research articles I've read, I believe we need some amount of animal foods in our diet for optimal long term health.  This is human nature and how our bodies are designed to function well.  Of course most people could do with eating more veggies and a MOSTLY vegetable based diet is great, but a small amount of traditionally farmed products from healthy animals are also required.   Of course living responsibly and treading lightly on our environment are also important and you can still do this while consuming some sustainably raised animal products.


The foods we eat everyday have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, and has to be considered in any health issue.  If you feel it might be time to add some animal products back into your diet, just start small with whatever you feel comfortable with and listen to any cravings you are experiencing. 

Everyone is metabolically different and many feel great on a vegan diet for different amounts of time - this is why it's so important to listen to how you are feeling to work out the right food choices for YOU.  Try not to be caught up in sticking 100% to a particular way of eating if it doesn't suit you - the only diet and lifestyle you should be sticking to is the one that makes YOU feel great!

If you'd like to check your blood levels or work on any health concerns I'd love to help you.



Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

PLEASE NOTE - This article isn't intended to offend anyone or start an argument - it's to help make you aware of possible deficiencies so you can treat or prevent them, and encourage everyone to take notice of how they feel and not ignore any signs your body is giving you. 


The Dangers Of A Low-Fat Diet


Especially for women, the dangers of a low-fat diet can be extensive!  The right type of fats have an essential role in optimal hormone production, mental health and weight regulation. 

Fat has always been a highly valued component of traditional diets.  However it was the introduction of food processing and finding cheaper fats for food production that influenced the fat education we received.  The food industry has influences over government guidelines - which means we are not always being sold the best information for our health.  

Biased research results from Ancel Keys in the 50's that 'linked' saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease risk, started the message that many people still are being told today - that all saturated fats are bad, we should eat a low-fat diet and vegetable oils are good.  However this is far from the truth and was not supported from the other countries studied which were left out of Ancel Key's results, and from many studies since.

While some vegetable oils are great, such as cold pressed olive oil, the processing of most vegetable oils and spreads leaves them rancid and devoid of any nutrition or health promoting properties!  They are actually more likely to cause oxidation and damage to your body. 


Consuming unprocessed fats, including some animal and other saturated fats are essential for optimal health.  They are needed by every cell in your body - the membrane of each cell needs these fats for proper structure and function.  If your body isn't working well at a cellular level, it can not work well at an organ or system level and your body will be more likely moving toward a disease state.  

Many hormones and Vitamin D require fats, including cholesterol, to be produced.  Our hormones help control many important processes in our body from fertility, energy, metabolism, immunity, sleep and mood.  The right fats also support digestive and skin health.

Fats keep you fuller and satisfied for longer, can be used for energy and help you absorb nutrients from your food - so always use homemade dressing, olive oil or grass fed butter on your veggies and salad!  The right fats also make your food taste amazing! 


It can take time to embrace fats and change your mindset after being told for decades that fats are bad - but it's time to start seeing some fats as your nourishing friend!  Start adding fats to every snack and meal, and take notice of the amount that feels good for you.  If you're eating enough fats and protein at your meals you should not get hungry again for at least 3-4 hours. 

There is much outdated science still being used today, that states fat will make you fat!  The right types of fat will help regulate your weight and help you feel more satisfied after eating.  There are many studies showing that it's the refined grains and sugars that contribute to increased inflammation, weight gain, ageing, mood disorders and risk of disease.  Low fat products are commonly higher in sugars.  

Cholesterol has also been vilified, however it is primarily produced in your liver and is actually used as an antioxidant and is increased in your body to help repair damage.  An under functioning thyroid can also cause cholesterol levels to increase.  So no, you don't have to worry about eating egg yolks - that's the most nutrient dense part!  (Look for pasture raised chicken eggs for the healthiest eggs).  There are many studies also showing that those with the LOWEST cholesterol levels have an INCREASED risk of disease and mortality.

Fats are damaged by heat, light, processing and oxygen, so look for oils in dark glass jars.  Cold pressed and extra virgin olive oils are the least processed.  Saturated fats such as coconut oil, butter and ghee are more stable to the above elements, however it's still good to buy fats in glass over plastic, as chemicals from plastic can leach into the fat.  Cooking low and slow is less damaging to fats.  


Different fats also contain extra beneficial nutrients.  Grass fed butter and ghee contain Vitamins A, D, E and K along with butyric acid which supports colon cells and digestive health.  There is minimal lactose in butter and ghee, so even if you are lactose intolerant you can likely tolerate some of these.  Coconut oil contains lauric acid which acts as a natural anti-microbial against infections.  Olive oil contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant in our bodies - helping protect us from the damaging toxins we're exposed to everyday.  Egg yolks contain choline which is essential for our brain and nervous system function.

Most fats contain a range of fatty acids - you've probably heard of omega-3 and omega-6.  Our diets used to be higher in omega-3's but the current western diet is now much higher in omega-6's from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and grains, which contributes to more inflammation in your body.  The way animals are raised impacts the fatty acid ratio - so grain fed meat will be higher in omega-6, whereas pasture raised animals will have more omega-3.   Underlying inflammation in the body is linked to many diseases and symptoms from depression, dementia, painful periods, auto-immune conditions and more.

Starving your body of vital fats can contribute to many symptoms such as low mood, hormonal imbalances, poor weight regulation, dry skin and lowered immunity.  Make sure you're supporting your health by including high quality fats every day.

You can download a quick guide to choosing the right fats here!





Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances, anxiety and fatigue.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.

This Essential Practice Can Help You Achieve Any Of Your Goals!

No matter what your goals or intentions for the new year, there is one essential practice that can help you achieve them -  self compassion!

Whether you know it by this name or self care or self love, this essential practice involves being kind, patient and encouraging to yourself.  And it's called a practice - cause it takes practice!  Especially when your self talk and other habits have likely been on auto pilot for years! 

If you are trying to change habits or achieve something new it can be hard!  If your self talk is negative, harsh or unrealistic, or it makes you feel shame, guilt or inadequate, it's unlikely to motivate or encourage you to continue once your initial willpower has been exhausted.

How much more pleasant would it be to come from a place of love and treat ourselves with kindness and patience while achieving our goals?



Would you speak to your best friend or a young child in the way you speak to yourself?




While self talk is one aspect of self care, other areas include

  • Stress management and taking time out for ourselves
  • Booking in regular holidays or breaks at the start of the year, before we get to a burnt out stage
  • Assessing what we spend our time/energy/money on, and if that's inline with our values and goals
  • Working on our boundaries
  • Working on our beliefs and mindset
  • Being mindful and present and not being consumed by our past or future worries
  • Accepting ourselves wherever we are at, but also working on improving any areas of our life where we'd like to grow, learn or change

There are many books, podcasts and websites which can help you in this area, but a good start is just becoming aware of your self talk and automatic assumptions/beliefs - as this is with us all the time and has such a huge impact on our quality of life.  A lot of times we aren't even aware how we talk to ourselves as it is so constant and automatic!

So take time to become aware of your self talk so you can then work on improving it to be more compassionate, supportive and encouraging as you work toward your goals!

If you would like some support in achieving your health goals this year, book in for a consultation here.


Marion McConnell is a degree qualified Naturopath who helps women with stress, hormone imbalances and thyroid issues.  The clinic is located in New Farm Brisbane, and consultations are also available via Skype.  You can contact Marion here.